Sunday, June 13, 2010

sunday morning mass and cake

YESSS, I know that I am a week behind on posting, but I literally come home from school, do homework, eat and then fall asleep - so naturally, posting is not on my daily to-do list - even though it should be.
LAST SUNDAY after getting in at midnight from the Mont Saint-Michel excursion, I woke up early and met my two friends, Christy and Alexandra for a Catholic mass at Cathédrale Saint-Gatien. Alexandra is a devout catholic and Christy and I were curious to see what all of the commotion was about, so we decided to join her. There is a BEAUTUFUL cathédrale right here in Tours that was constructed sometime between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries in the Romanesque style. The reason why there is such a huge time gap is because the cathédrale was burned down and destroyed a couple of times. The facade of this building is absolutely breathtaking. I had only been to mass one time before (during confirmation), so I was confused the whole service (partly because it was all in French). There was a very pious and lavish aura to the entire duration of the service that I can not even begin to describe. I felt like I did in Sacre Coeur, completely quiet and unguarded in front of the Lord.

After mass, I came home to a delicious Algerian meal in the midst of construction. Malika was making these crêpe (really thin pancakes) pouch things. They were filled with a cooked chicken, onion and parsley mixture and right before she sealed the pouch with a dab of water around the edges, she broke an egg. She then sauteed the pouches in some olive oil until the egg was cooked (with the yolk still pop-able) and golden. Once you cut into the pouch, the yummy runny yellow part of the egg came gushing out. It was delishhh.

We also had sliced tomatoes and BREAD - the french eat bread for literally every single meal - breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, dessert....

AND for dessert - yogurt cake (Malika called them little cakes, but I call them muffins). She says she makes cake every Sunday.

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