Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Volcano Effifhuekjdf845ksgwttjjjewru

First of all, welcome to my very first blog. I hope this attempt at blogging doesn't become redundant or weird. If for some reason it does, please feel free to let me know. My mom and I are scheduled to leave tomorrow night for London. The airport we are flying into (Heathrow) was actually shut down yesterday because of the ash cloud circling aimlessly over northern Europe. How inconvenient. Hopefully, the ash cloud will temporarily disperse for tomorrows departure. Oh, and if you're wondering, I still haven't packed. At all.

(The cloud is the tan mass that looks like the top of a wolf.)


  1. Sara- I am very sad that this stupid volcano has decided to disrupt your plans. Keep a positive outlook and hope for the best things may turn around! Consider this a part of your adventure to Europe?! You are very lucky to spend so much time in Europe this summer. I will miss you, but can not wait to hear some exciting stories! :) Make some wonderful memories!

  2. Wow so I just read your whole blog from the beginning. It sounds like you are having an amazing time. I'm definitely glad you have learned how to navigate properly because I was pretty worried about you when you couldn't get us back to your house in Dallas. Now you are leading friends around France which is something I could not do. I'll be keeping up with you from here on so don't skip anymore posts or else....hahaha
